The Stewart Markey Group of Seventy2 Capital Wealth Management

913 Gulf Breeze Parkway, Suite 27, Gulf Breeze, FL 32561

The Stewart Markey Group of Seventy2 Capital Wealth Management

Over the years, the Stewart Markey Group of Seventy2 Capital Wealth Management has helped clients navigate through challenging times with purpose and confidence toward their financial goals. They offer personalized financial services, support, and guidance that can help make a positive difference for:


  • Business Owners
  • Endowments & Foundations
  • Families
  • Healthcare Professionals
  • Retirees
  • Women Investors

Meet Our Team

Sandra Stewart, WMCP® | Seventy2 Capital

Sandra Stewart 

Vice President & Financial Advisor

Wendy Markey, WMCP® | Seventy2 Capital

Wendy Markey 

Vice President & Financial Advisor

Bryn Markey | Seventy2 Capital

Bryn Markey 

Vice President & Financial Advisor


We leverage our collective experience and expertise to help ensure you receive the well-rounded guidance and knowledge that has been time-tested to serve our clients. We develop tailored investment strategies, seeking out opportunities from a global vantage point and factoring micro- and macroeconomic conditions to develop plans designed to sustain over the long term. Each strategy we employ is intended to manage accounts with the appropriate level of risk, while working toward your financial goals. We commit ourselves to thorough research and an intense vetting process, and strive for the investments and managers we recommend to offer qualities that enhance your investment portfolio. We tap into our network of professional contacts and hold frequent calls and visits to ensure their approach aligns with our own. The advisory relationship should be ongoing, growing stronger with time. We actively manage and review advisory accounts to ensure they stay consistent with your goals, using the original strategy as a guidepost. We commit our full capabilities as a team to your success, united behind the pursuit of your ideal financial future.

Alternative Investments

We believe diversification across a broad spectrum of asset classes is the best way to help our clients meet their long-term objectives, balancing risk and return. The alternative investmet vehicles we offer include, but are not limited to: hedge funds, managed funds, private equity, real estate, and commodities.

Education Planning

As your trusted partner, our professional guidance can help you analyze the tax benefits, ownership structure, risk and contribution limits involved – even what to do with your leftover education funds if your aspiring academic earns a scholarship. We are here to help with 529 College Savings Plans and UGMA/UTMA Custodial Accounts.

Investment Planning

We provide comprehensive investment planning to chart a detailed course for pursuing a bright and confident future. Our plans offer a high-degree of personalization to match your investments to your goals. We are here to help build a foundation with achievable goals, develop a complete financial picture, and review and optimize performance.

Investment Solutions

Using our extensive experience, we can help guide you toward investments that are the right fit for your circumstances. Our offerings include: alternative investments, separately managed accounts, unified managed accounts, managed discretionary accounts, wrap accounts, structured products, and traditional investments.

Portfolio Management

Using a wealth of resources, we gain insight into the risk and return characteristics of your investment options. The portfolio strategies we pursue utilize a mix of asset classes that closely matches your individual preferences and appetite for risk. This approach weighs several factors – your goals, time horizon and tax implications – to create a stronger portfolio tailored to you.

Retirement Planning

We understand that there should be no compromise when it comes to your financial future. That’s why we work diligently to serve as the ultimate steward for your wealth, simplifying life’s complexities with a full spectrum of strategies for a tailored plan. No matter what stage of life you’re in, we can help you pursue independence, freedom and the things that matter most to you.

Risk Management

One of the most important functions we serve is helping to protect all you have worked to build. We assess where your risk lies and determine your level of comfort with it, exploring what actions and plans to put in place to provide the level of protection you need and deserve.

Alternative investments, such as hedge funds, funds of hedge funds, managed futures, private capital, real assets and real estate funds, are not appropriate for all investors. They are speculative, highly illiquid, and are designed for long-term investment, and not as trading vehicle. These funds carry specific investor qualifications which can include high income and net-worth requirements as well as relatively high investment minimums. The high expenses associated with alternative investments must be offset by trading profits and other income which may not be realized. Unlike mutual funds, alternative investments are not subject to some of the regulations designed to protect investors and are not required to provide the same level of disclosure as would be received from a mutual fund. They trade in diverse complex strategies that are affected in different ways and at different times by changing market conditions. Strategies may, at times, be out of market favor for considerable periods with adverse consequences for the fund and the investor. An investment in these funds involve the risks inherent in an investment in securities and can include losses associated with speculative investment practices, including hedging and leveraging through derivatives, such as futures, options, swaps, short selling, investments in non-U.S. securities, “junk” bonds and illiquid investments. The use of leverage in a portfolio varies by strategy. Leverage can significantly increase return potential but create greater risk of loss. At times, a fund may be unable to sell certain of its illiquid investments without a substantial drop in price, if at all. Other risks can include those associated with potential lack of diversification, restrictions on transferring interests, no available secondary market, complex tax structures, delays in tax reporting, valuation of securities and pricing. An investment in a fund of funds carries additional risks including asset-based fees and expenses at the fund level and indirect fees, expenses and asset-based compensation of investment funds in which these funds invest. An investor should review the private placement memorandum, subscription agreement and other related offering materials for complete information regarding terms, including all applicable fees, as well as the specific risks associated with a fund before investing.


Please consider the investment objectives, risks, charges and expenses carefully before investing in a 529 savings plan. The official statement, which contains this and other information, can be obtained by calling your financial advisor. Read it carefully before you invest.

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